Strength, Tribe, and Community

“Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will.”

Mahatma Gandhi

It’s been a struggle during my husband’s deployment but I’ve found my tribe, my community, in the ladies at S.L.A.M. Sweat Like A Mother Leavenworth where I started attending classes in January, beginning and then completing the S.L.A.M. Challenge.

Not only have I improved with my nutrition (Yes, I’ve actually started cooking again although I miss my husband’s cooking.) and my fitness, pushing myself out of my comfort zone to learn to use weights correctly and to perform other exercises geared towards women’s health and becoming a faster runner thanks to S.L.A.M. Track workouts and the S.L.A.M. cannon runs; I’ve also discovered an inner strength and a feeling of love and acceptance from other women I hadn’t experienced since my college years.

Knowing there were other moms and military spouses struggling just like me and having classes to look forward to each week have been so helpful even on the days where I just wanted to stay at home and feel sorry for myself. It’s so wonderful feeling such strong support rather than insecurity or competitiveness.

So a big thank you to all of my new friends at S.L.A.M. Leavenworth. I’m so glad I met them and I have so much fun getting together for any and every occasion.

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